Sunday, February 28, 2010

Farewell Finland!

My room looks quite empty.. and luggage looks huge, mutta painorajoitusten mukaan on tavaraa vain mukana, yay.

Siivoukset tehty ja kaikki on valmista. It's time to say goodbye to Jyväskylä, and hello to Esslingen!
I hope I'll be updating my blog soon, in Germany that is.

I'll miss you all! Let's keep in touch. :) heipparallaatia!


  1. hihhih, heippatirallaa! I'm so jealous at you! I want to go too!!! Your room does really look empty. :D But I'm sure you'll have the best time in Germany... :) <3 Safe flight and take care..

  2. Oh, thank you!
    I hope I get the internet working in Germany as soon as possible! Sitten laitan kuvaa tulemaan! I promise! :P
