Today I went to visit the TV tower in Stuttgart with Mikko and Lukas.
Last three weeks have been sunny and warm but today it started raining right before we got to the tower! It was so cloudy that first we didn't see anything, but we waited some 15 minutes and the rain stopped. You could see all the way to Esslingen from the top of the tower!
The Fernsehturm Stuttgart was the first TV tower in the world: it was opened in 1956. It is 150 meters high, but I didn't feel frightened in the lower floor because there were walls. In the higher floor I did get dizzy, so I had to go back to the lower one. :P
In the picture there is Lukas and me and the view over Stuttgart.
ONE DAY LEFT :o mua jännittää jo sun puolesta :D
Kiitti kun jännität mun puolesta, Sari! Mun ei tarvitsekaan sitten jännitellä huomenna yksinään matkustamista. :)