After losing two of four travelers from our group on the way, we finally got to Berlin. The weekend trip went well, a part from the problematic journey to Berlin. The weather was good on Saturday and Sunday and only on Monday it rained in the evening.
On Saturday we walked in the Mitte (center) and we saw Bugatti! Of course it meant that it was time to start taking pictures! :D The group picture is from Brandenburger Tor and on the other side of the gate there was some kind of festival going on with carousels, beer tents and ice cream kiosks. :)
On Sunday I took a free walking tour in the City of Berlin and the tour was amazing! Our guide, Barry, made the tour so exciting by his way of explaining and acting the history of Berlin from foundation of the city, to the division to East and West Berlin, until the present state of the city. In one of the pictures you can see the TV tower of East Berlin in the background.
In the evening we went to DDR Museum and Pei found the Sandmann! My favorite program when I was a little girl. :)
On the wall of an East-Berlin-a-like-kitchen there is a aphorism, which says: "The saddest day in your life is the day you didn't smile."
On Monday I met a Finnish friend of mine, Janne, who is studying at the moment in Berlin as an exchange student, just like me! We had lunch in an Indian restaurant (really good food) and then went for a coffee after taking some tourist pictures at Zoologische Garten (we didn't go to the zoo though). It was really nice to share experiences in Germany and talk about the people we have met here and about cultural differences. :)