Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 45 in Esslingen: The International Day

We had the International Day today at school and it means that all exchange students are presenting their home universities and schools. It was so fun!
There was a lot of people: exchange students, German students, people from international office and even our German teachers were there and helping international office in organizing some snacks for the hungry students! =)

I was so excited! And surprised that there were so many people interested in Finland, I was so pleased to tell them about my school and home town.
The Finnish table looked very nice! We had powerpoint-shows and videos and brochures and handouts and pens and stuff, even a mascot! :D Maskottini Herra Arvi Hirvi istui myös meidän pöydässä ja edusti Suomea lippupaidassaan. haha!